Home Guard and Young Winston

Home Guard

Release date May 2000

A single limited edition of 500 copies only

Image size:432mm x 330mm

Perhaps the most ubiquitous working breed in the world, the German Shepherd is no longer known for herding German sheep. It is also noted for its many and varied appearances, making it impossible to create a generic image. I feel that at fourteen weeks, however, these puppies, with their one ear up and one down, encapsulate something of the breed
Young Winston

Release date May 2000

A single limited edition of 500 copies only

Image size 152mm x 202mm

Published price - the pair - £105.75 inc VAT

Produced as a cameo print to accompany Home Guard, Young Winston is a simple study of one of the two puppies which I hope adds charm and appeal to the main image.

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Frame It!

 Frame 737 White 22mm £39.95

 Frame 737 Black 22 mm £39.95

 Frame 02 Matte Gold 22mm £44.90

 Frame 02 Blue 22mm £44.90

 Frame 02 Sky Blue 22mm £44.90

 Frame 02 Red 22mm £44.90

 Frame 02 Oak Effect 22mm £44.90

 Frame 48 Dark Grey £48.61

 Frame 48 White £48.61

 Frame 48 Black £48.61

 Frame 323 Silver £51.60

 Frame 323 gold £51.60

 Frame 208 Brown/Gold 30mm £67.78

 Frame 90 Black 35mm £74.72

 Frame 22 Silver 22mm £73.47

 Frame 218 Oak 27mm £92.78

 No Frame